The first week of class 1 (of the regular AM semester) has begun after much excitement and anticipation. WOW! The amount of material is overwhelming. The great thing is the tremendous welcome messages I got from students in advanced classes. That is a great way of motivating newcomers and making them feel welcome. There are many training videos to sift through and the amount of knowledge they contain are pure gold. The Q&A session with mentor Elliott Roberts was mainly focused on introducing ourselves via web cam. I no longer have the distinction of being the oldest in my class for I now share this privilage with two other who are contemplating a career change. Our mentor, Elliott Roberts is a super nice guy. He worked as an animator on Robots, Ratatouille, Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest, Charlotte's Web and Iron Man, among others. He is a visual effects artist on the movie Mutants (in production). His experience at Pixar, ILM, and Tippet Studio makes him a treasure chest that I will try and hoard as much knowledge from him as I can. Here is a pose set I did in Maya to comemorate the beginning of the AM journey; I call this 'A Star is Born'

This next one is just simple posing since, eventualy, posing will be our first assignment;

NEATO Dhar!!! cant wait for class one to start.. in the mean time Maya Springboard class is awesome!!
Heather! I was meaning to contact you to see how you are doing. I'm glad you're liking Springboard. Maya is an amazing program and AM's tools are fantastic. Who is your mentor? Please keep me posted.
I don't have a clue who my mentor is yet... and most likely will not know until the sixth/seventh week when we start working with Maya. Do you feel the Maya class has helped you with class one so far?
Not just yet, because, so far, our assignments are all about sketching (real life, with pencil and paper). Mind you, I am no stranger to 3D animation. Back in 1999 I was learnong 3DSMax, Infini-D, and Animation:Master, all of which share the same principles of computer animation (rigs, timelines, graphic editors etc..) Where I feel Springboard helped me is in familiarizing me with the tools of Maya. The tools are what's different about all those softwares, not the application. And here's an icing on the cake, AM has introduced a technical Q&A session every Tuesday night where everyone's welcome to ask technical questions about the software. Kevin Freeman, a genius rigger from Sony Image Works, is the mentor and he is the god of rigging and Maya. He rigged AM's characters so his knowledge is immense and his attitude is down to earth and very approachable. So, you're in for a treat in class 1 :)
Too cool! :O) well let me know in the end if the maya course helped in the long run.
Hey, I was wondering do you have any plans to attend the AM BBQ next summer? I'm going to try to be there. It would be awesome to meet in person!
C YA later Dhar!
Consider it a date ;)
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